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Market Outlook for May 20th – May 24th 2024

The chart on the right shows us what happens in election years when the year before was +10% you can see we actually push up and through then begin a sell off in feb and bottom out in march.

The one on the left shows the same thing when a sitting president is running

Warren Buffett might be the most famous WHALE there is right now.  He bought CB and you can see that everyone chased this up. I have found that following WB when he first buys a company often leads to quick profits. This means people chase it up for a few days and you can get a quick turn around. OR just have Warren text you and give you a heads up!

Another WHALE is carl Icahn – I am not a fan of his nor his tactics but many people watch him. I think its worth your time to look up these companies and see if the charts need to be added to your master WL

Bill Ackman Is a whale I do like. He made no buys in the last quarter but did sell some CMG and all of LOW

Gates foundation didn’t purchase anything either.

Howard Marks is another whale I pay attention to – I rarely follow his trades but I do keep them on watch.

Does anyone know who TERRY SMITH IS? He is called the Warren Buffett of Britian and runs the largest hedge fund in the UK.  His fund was VERY busy this last quarter – Most important thing for me is new buys – then adds then complete sells then reduce =- PAYC is one I have been very close to buying for LT stock but haven’t pulled the trigger yet

Prim Watsa is known as the Canadian warren buffett

Check Akre is a lesser known whale. I do like this UBER buy that he did last quarter – @ other whales bought this as well but none the size of Akre – I may end up paying up for this and just work my cost basis down through STO calls/puts

Franswa roshon is a guy I like and You can see hes adding some  names you have heard me mention. FERG for example is one I am planning on picking up this week.

Samantha Mclemore who worked with bill miller decided she wanted to dip the toe into BABA the last Q

One of my Favorite whales is Stanley Druckenmiller – he bought DFS COHR and KMI last Q as new buys. He also sold a big chunk of NVDA and put that money to work on IWM CALLS!!

He added NTRA and WWD – I pay VERY close attention to what this man does.

Im glad he aggress with me on the IWM and in fact this makes me want to get more aggressive in the IWM

Anyone ever hear of THE BIG SHORT? Well Michael Burry was the main guy in the move and he is in love with the idea of china! I agree! JD and BABA and KWEB are my holdings for china and you can see hes been stocking up on china

He also owns C and AAP with me as well.

Another one of my favorites is David Tepper – he made 7 billion for appaloosa in 2009 and 4 billion for himself that same year. Can you think of anyone who has had a better year? His returns average out to being about 40%!!!!!!!! Per year which is INSANE.

Well, look what hes been buying… HIS ENTIRE 1Q BUYS ARE CHINA!!!! Remember my slide that said CHINA CHINA CHINA!!!

David bought a few more shares than I did…. A measly 6.9mill! This makes BABA the biggest in his portfolio… Mine too David! Mine too!

So now that BABA and China has begun its run, you are going to see a lot of chasing.  As these start to outperform it will force other managers to jump on board.

You can see the Whales who are holding BABA above and you can also see it was a top 10 buy last quarter and a top 10 buy per % for the last 2 quarters!

Like I said – I may have been a little early! BUT I AM RIGHT!

This was a slide from last week. I told you guys I still had partial positions in certain stocks and the SPY – I asked if anyone was still holding anything from the dip buys… So let me ask again! Put a 1 in chat if you are still holding ANYTHING we bought on these dips?

Heres just some of my notes on BABA and china! Do not ask me if its ok to buy china RIGHT NOW because you should have been buying it before now!!! If I didn’t own BABA, I would def buy now! I still think it can double from here and it would still be very cheap!

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