The Trading UniversityThe Trading UniversityThe Trading University

Market Outlook for May 6th – May 10th 2024

I’ve decided to change up the way I am doing things this week. You guys tell me what you like better.

I am not going to go over DATA and show you charts and graphs etc. I am going to focus on plays. I’ll give a summary of data

This is the only data graph!

Earnings have been good so far. Not spectacular but good. We are above expectations and overall we are looking good

This was the slide from last week that I said was my favorite chart of the week

This might be my fav chart of the week.

Monday gave us great buy spots… not caused it worked but because we know the odds are with us and we take the shot.

If you have already sold out of this you’ve missed the biggest OPPORTUNITY – Earnings is coming up! I buy and sell so I can lower my cost basis on MAYBE A TOP 5 COMPANY IN THE WORLD and I will try and hold through earnings so I can capture the big move! STOP TRYING TO MAKE A MILLION IN ONE DAY AND MAKE LONGER TERM IDEAS be the bread and butter of what you do. These are the ones that really pay out!

Another example of these LT plays is this AMD play ive been going through with you guys week by week – remember I want to play COST through but I do it with SHARES and I did exactly that on AMD – this is the slide from last week and I said I am going to STO CALLS AND STO PUTS at the ranges

Guess what – I kept the premium for both sides! This now adds to my profit in lowering the current cost basis of the10k shares I have I also STO puts AFTER the ER and gained another couple dollars. So ive literally scalped out enough money to lower my cost basis INTO THE 120S  through buying and selling shares and STO calls and puts.

Guess what – I AM GOOD NOW ON AMD!! I’ve done the hard work and now lets just plan on selling these at 250 in 12-24 months

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